Letter From the Desk of Mr. West

Hello MMSA Families,
With our partners, we are working to inform families they can access federal funds through the Child Tax Credit. Deadline is November 15, 2022.
Families with no income or low income could get at least $3,000 per child with the Child Tax Credit, plus
$1,400 with the third stimulus payment - even if they have never filed taxes before and if they have not filed taxes this year. It is estimated that more than 33,000 children in Minnesota could miss out on this money if their parent/guardian has not filed.
There is an easy form for people to file on their mobile devices in 15 minutes or less at: getctc.org. I do hope you take advantage of this potential opportunity for you and your family.
Stephen West, Ed.S.
Hello waalidiinta MMSA,
La-hawlgalayaashayada, waxaan ka shaqeyneynaa inaan ku wargelinno qoysaska inay heli karaan lacagaha federaalka iyada oo loo marayo Child Tax Credit. Wakhtiga kama dambaysta ah waa Noofambar 15, 2022.
Qoysaska aan lahayn dakhli ama dakhligoodu hooseeyo waxay heli karaan ugu yaraan $3,000 ilmo kasta oo leh Credit Tax Credit, oo lagu daray $1,400 bixinta saddexaad - xitaa haddii ayan waligood canshuur soo xareynin hadda ka hor iyo haddii aysan xareyn canshuur sanadkan. Waxaa lagu qiyaasaa in in ka badan 33,000 oo carruur ah oo Minnesota ku nool ay ku waayi karaan lacagtan haddii waalidkood/masuulka uusan xareyn.
Waxa jira foom fudud oo ay dadku ku xaraysan karaan moobilkooda 15 daqiiqo ama ka yar: getctc.org
Waxaan rajeynayaa inaad ka faa'iidaysato fursadan suurtagalka ah ee adiga iyo qoyskaaga.
Si daacad ah,
Stephen West, Ed.S.